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Интенсивный курс перевода с английского без знания языка

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Интенсивный курс перевода с английского без знания языка

       Выпуск 5  (27 мая 2003г.)
    Задание 1. Запомнить перевод  глаголов:


believe, suppose, presume, predict полагать, предполагать
      appear, turn out, prove оказываться


estimate, calculate, count подсчитывать
      report, claim, announce сообщать, объявлять


be likely - be unlikely быть вероятным - маловероятным
      consider считать, рассматривать


expect ожидать
      seem казаться


assume, admit принимать, допускать
      recognize признавать, узнавать


say (said, said) говорить
    know (knew, known) знать


find (found, found) находить


think (thought, thought) думать
      show (showed, shown) показывать


    Упражнения. Переведите следующие глаголы:
    40). Believe, turn out, prove, estimate, calculate, count, report, claim, announce, be likely, be unlikely, consider, seem, expect, assume, admit, recognize, say, know, find, think, show.
    41). Find, say, admit, expect, count, prove, seem, be unlikely, announce, report, calculate, turn out, show, find, say, admit, think, estimate, know, recognize, assume, be likely, claim.
    42). Expect, show, report, believe, seem, count, assume, think, consider, claim, calculate, turn out, find, admit, be unlikely, announce, estimate, prove, know, recognize, be likely, say.
    43). Showed, thought, found, knew, said, shown, known, thought, think, know, find, show, say, found, said, knew, known, showed, thought, find, say, said, know, found, think, show, shown, said.
    Проверочные упражнения по всему изученному материалу:
    44). All, their, been, may, eighteen, if, about, till, recognize, more, I, doing, four, out of, into, calculate, such, fifth, an, predict, every, they, to do, need, ninth, at, up, report, she, presume, the very, few, shall, second, throughout, appear, us, to be, there is,  thousand, that, below, for, say, prove, claim.
    45). That, her, shown, as, upon, while, there will be, was, off, turn out, little, will, you, am, hundred, what, under, by, for, with, found, other, may, having, eighth, although, behind, seem, every, they, to do, did, at, up, report, this, it, are, twenty, which, on, without, known, any, your, have, might, nineteen, a.
    46). Be likely, because of, above, when, fifty, can, were, him, think, by, what, is, consider, during, across, whereas, have, no, its, must, because, around, within, assume, announce, do, many, into, had, most, through, against, down, toward, after, behind, another, least, would, while, first, twelfth, out of.
    47). Claim. down, against, seven, do, us, each, report, up, at, to do, they, every, seem, before, behind, although, ninth, my, other, admit, after, out, though, eleventh, need, had, his, it, found, with, in, who, ten, was, us, the, thought, by, under, I, what, am, their, most, done, third, count, appear, shall, been.
    48). As, upon, while, show, there is, there are, her, that, be likely, me, because of, above, when, fifty, can, were, him, these, any, has, your, might, nineteen, along, until, expect, consider, across, during, its, has, must, thirteen, around, believe, appear, because, at, up, report, about, down, we, does, did, between, suppose, for, would, least, such, few, has, be able, can, it, more, every, our, expect, out, within, without, with, said, my.
    Следующий урок будет заключительным в подготовительной части курса "Освоение служебных слов".
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Интенсивный курс перевода с английского без знания языка

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